Dr. phil. Thomas Winkler Dipl.-Design., Dipl.-Päd. Projects Coordinated Projects ArtDeCom ArtDeCom Theorie und Praxis ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung KiMM KiMM Kids in Media and Motion Current Projects ALS ALS Ambient Learning Spaces Completed Projects ArtDeCom ArtDeCom Theorie und Praxis ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung Mobile Monitoring (MoMo) Mobile Monitoring (MoMo) KiMM KiMM Kids in Media and Motion Publications Publications Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces Herczeg, M. , Ohlei, A. , Schumacher, T. , & Winkler, T. (2021)Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces In Algorithmic and Aesthetic Literacy: Emerging Transdisciplinary Explorations for the Digital Age (pp. 97-115). Verl. Barbara Budrich. https://doi.org/10.3224/84742428.06Download PublicationCite This Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary Schools Winkler, T. , Ohlei, A. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary SchoolsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 230-247. Download PublicationCite This SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing Skills Winkler, T. , Akyildiz, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing SkillsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 63-71. Download PublicationCite This Ambient Learning Spaces for School Education Herczeg, M. , Winkler, T. , & Ohlei, A. (2019)Ambient Learning Spaces for School EducationProceedings of ICERI2019 Conference, 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain, 5116-5125. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2019.1240Download PublicationCite This Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Höffler, S. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesInternational Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 11, 94-108. Cite This InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum Context Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum ContextMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 339-344. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0460Download PublicationCite This InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their Exhibitions Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their ExhibitionsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 345-352. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0462Download PublicationCite This An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning SpacesIARIA AMBIENT 2018, 27-32. Cite This Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces CENTRIC 2018, 26-31. Cite This Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass. Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , Wessel, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass.ISMAR, 266-269. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2018.00083Cite This Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-Lernspiels Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-LernspielsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 209-217. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0424Cite This 11. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion Kammer, D. , Keck, M. , Rassmy, B. , Fröhlich, T. , & Winkler, T. (2018)11. Workshop Be-greifbare InteraktionMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 151-156. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0174Cite This InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , Wittmer, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Download PublicationCite This ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-Lernspiele Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-LernspieleMensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 1.-13. September 2017, Regensburg, 337-343. Cite This NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesAMBIENT 2017 - The Seventh International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, 6-11. Cite This InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Ide , M. , Ohlei, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 1317–1326. Cite This ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art Teaching Ide, M. , Winkler, T. , & Bouck-Standen, D. (2017)ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art TeachingEdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. Washington, DC., 1327-1335. Cite This ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for Tangibles Bouck-Standen, D. , Schwandt , M. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2016)ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for TangiblesMensch und Computer 2016 - Workshopband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-ws10-0002Cite This A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Berta, R. , Bellotti, F. , van der Spek, E. , & Winkler, T. (2016)A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Springer. https://doi.org/doi:10.1007/978-981-4560-52-8_32-1Cite This SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der Schriftsprache Winkler, T. , Stahl, J. , Jahn, G. , & Herczeg, M. (2015)SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der SchriftspracheMensch und Computer 2015, Workshopband, 543-550. Cite This Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäteni-com : Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 13, 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2014-0020Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at School Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at SchoolProceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 EdMedia, 2527-2537. Cite This Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning SpacesInformatik Spektrum, Sonderheft: Interaction Beyond the Desktop, 37, 445-448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-014-0817-1Cite This The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning SpacesIDC ’13 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 348-351. https://doi.org/10.1145/2485760.2485829Cite This SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , & Scharf, F. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenCite This SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenWorkshopband Mensch & Computer 2013, 179-184. Cite This The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher EducationAUCEi 2013. https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3728.9765Cite This Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Ide , M. , & Winkler, T. (2012)Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Kopaed. Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2012), 3133-3140. Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesCite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes AACE. Cite This Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1515/transcript.9783839420058.305Download PublicationCite This Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von Tangicons Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von TangiconsMensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband: interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 135-140. Cite This Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative Game Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative GameIDC ’12 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 144-151. https://doi.org/10.1145/2307096.2307113Cite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationCite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3517-3524. Cite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education AACE. Cite This Tangicons - Programmieren im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Peters, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Tangicons - Programmieren im KindergartenWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011 - überMEDIEN ÜBERmorgen, 23-24. Cite This Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Ambient Learning Spaces Formatex Research Center. Cite This SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary Schools Scharf, F. , Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary SchoolsProceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2010, Arlington, Virginia, October 27-30, 2010, Session T4D-1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673353Cite This Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , & Ide , M. (2010)Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Klett-Kallmeyer. Cite This Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , Abraham , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia ObjectsWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2010: Interaktive Kulturen, 177-178. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes AACE. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (SITE), 3038-3045. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesCite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemCite This Be-greifbare digitale Lernobjekte Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Kammler , M. , Feldner, B. , Schmitt, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Be-greifbare digitale LernobjekteWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2009, 353-356. Cite This Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationCite This We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile Phones Winkler, T. (2009)We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile PhonesCite This Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Winkler, T. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsCite This A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO Feldner, B. , Günther, S. , Schmitt, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2009 ; 15 - 17 July, 2009, Riga, Latvia ; proceedings, 29 - 31. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2009.35Cite This Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 1141-1148. Cite This Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert Ide, M. , & Winkler, T. (2009)Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert In Körperlichkeit in der Schule : aktuelle Körperdiskurse und ihre Empirie (pp. 141-180). Athena Verlag. Cite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3230-3234. Cite This Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsProceedings of SITE 2009, 2803-2806. Download PublicationCite This Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Winkler, T. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsCite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im Kontext Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Herczeg, M. , Lob, S. , Kotewicz, T. , Kosicki, N. , & Busch, A. (2008)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im KontextMensch & Computer 2008. Viel Mehr Interaktion, 267-276. Cite This Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 374-380. Cite This Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First Class Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First ClassProceedings of IDC 2008, 242-249. Cite This Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval Ages Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval AgesProceedings of SITE 2008, 3441-3449. Cite This Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for Learning Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for LearningProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 5484-5491. Cite This Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School Projects Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Glasemann, M. , Werner , S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School ProjectsProceedings of ICEC CELDA 2007, 65-72. Cite This Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity" Winkler, T. (2007)Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity"MMI-Interaktiv, 13, 103-107. Cite This KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible Media Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible MediaINFORMATIK 2007, Informatik trifft Logistik, 535-539. Cite This Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video InstallationProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2007, 4044-4054. Cite This Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationProceedings of the SITE 2007, 2155-2162. Cite This Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationCite This Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. , Goldmann , A. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomProceedings of SITE 2006, 742-749. Cite This KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert GMK. Cite This Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-Raum Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Goldmann , A. (2006)Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-RaumBDK-Mitteilungen, 3, 26-29. Cite This Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive Geschichte Goldmann, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive GeschichteLehrer-Online. Cite This Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomCite This KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)KiMM - Kids in Media and MotionForum der Unesco-Projekt-Schulen, 3, 97-110. Cite This Pervasive Computing in der Schule Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in der SchuleMensch & Computer 2005 Kunst und Wissenschaft - Grenzüberschreitung der interaktiven ART, 253-255. Cite This Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. , Arend, S. , Hadley, L. , Melzer, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayProceedings of IDC 2005. Cite This Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayCite This Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in Schools Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in SchoolsCognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 123-130. Cite This Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , Schneider-Prengel, V. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Kids in Media and MotionGrundschule. Cite This Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning EnvironmentsSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2005), 742-749. Cite This Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school? Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school?International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education an Training, ITHET 2004, 174-178. Cite This Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic Thinking Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , Reimann , D. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic ThinkingSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education, SITE 2004, 3794-3801. Cite This Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Höpel, I. , Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung. Cite This Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2004)Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Cite This Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Athena Verlag. Cite This Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environmentsi-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 1, 29-33. Cite This System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entsteht Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entstehtComputer + Unterricht, 3, 34-37. Download PublicationCite This Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer Jugendmedienbildung Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2003)Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer JugendmedienbildungCORAX Magazin für Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, 12, 23-26. Download PublicationCite This Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at School Winkler, T. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at SchoolSzwillus, G & Ziegler, Jürgen (Eds.) Mensch & Computer 2003. S. 307-316. Download PublicationCite This Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at School Winkler, T. , Reimann , D. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at SchoolMensch & Computer 2003, 307-316. Cite This Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education Processes Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education ProcessesED-Media 2003, 915-921. Cite This Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning Spaces Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning SpacesIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2003, 384-385. Cite This Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary Approach Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary ApproachInSea on Sea-Conference. Cite This Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality Continuum Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality ContinuumMensch und Computer 2002: Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu kooperativen Arbets- und Lernwelten, 115-124. Cite This Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School ChildrenED-MEDIA 2002, 1034-1039. Cite This Theses MyteryGame - Die Implementierung eines digitalen editierbaren Miteinander-Lernspiels auf Basis der Mytery-Methode (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Implementierung von MysteryGame – ein digitales editierbares Miteinander-Lernspiel auf Basis der Mystery-Methode (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Gestaltung der Grafischen Benutzungsschnittstelle für SemCor 2.0 (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Evaluation von Interaktionsmöglichkeiten in einer Augmented Reality Umgebung bei der Verwendung von Google Glass (Master Thesis, 2016) Audifizierung eines Multitouch-Tables (Bachelor Thesis, 2010) Analyse der Mentalen Rotation bei stereoskopischer 3D-Projektion im Vergleich zur 2D-Projektion beim Einsatz im Lehr-/Lernkontext (Bachelor Thesis, 2010)
Coordinated Projects ArtDeCom ArtDeCom Theorie und Praxis ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung KiMM KiMM Kids in Media and Motion Current Projects ALS ALS Ambient Learning Spaces Completed Projects ArtDeCom ArtDeCom Theorie und Praxis ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung Mobile Monitoring (MoMo) Mobile Monitoring (MoMo) KiMM KiMM Kids in Media and Motion
Publications Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces Herczeg, M. , Ohlei, A. , Schumacher, T. , & Winkler, T. (2021)Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces In Algorithmic and Aesthetic Literacy: Emerging Transdisciplinary Explorations for the Digital Age (pp. 97-115). Verl. Barbara Budrich. https://doi.org/10.3224/84742428.06Download PublicationCite This Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary Schools Winkler, T. , Ohlei, A. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary SchoolsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 230-247. Download PublicationCite This SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing Skills Winkler, T. , Akyildiz, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing SkillsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 63-71. Download PublicationCite This Ambient Learning Spaces for School Education Herczeg, M. , Winkler, T. , & Ohlei, A. (2019)Ambient Learning Spaces for School EducationProceedings of ICERI2019 Conference, 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain, 5116-5125. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2019.1240Download PublicationCite This Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Höffler, S. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesInternational Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 11, 94-108. Cite This InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum Context Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum ContextMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 339-344. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0460Download PublicationCite This InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their Exhibitions Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their ExhibitionsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 345-352. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0462Download PublicationCite This An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning SpacesIARIA AMBIENT 2018, 27-32. Cite This Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces CENTRIC 2018, 26-31. Cite This Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass. Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , Wessel, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass.ISMAR, 266-269. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2018.00083Cite This Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-Lernspiels Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-LernspielsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 209-217. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0424Cite This 11. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion Kammer, D. , Keck, M. , Rassmy, B. , Fröhlich, T. , & Winkler, T. (2018)11. Workshop Be-greifbare InteraktionMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 151-156. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0174Cite This InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , Wittmer, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Download PublicationCite This ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-Lernspiele Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-LernspieleMensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 1.-13. September 2017, Regensburg, 337-343. Cite This NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesAMBIENT 2017 - The Seventh International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, 6-11. Cite This InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Ide , M. , Ohlei, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 1317–1326. Cite This ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art Teaching Ide, M. , Winkler, T. , & Bouck-Standen, D. (2017)ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art TeachingEdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. Washington, DC., 1327-1335. Cite This ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for Tangibles Bouck-Standen, D. , Schwandt , M. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2016)ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for TangiblesMensch und Computer 2016 - Workshopband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-ws10-0002Cite This A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Berta, R. , Bellotti, F. , van der Spek, E. , & Winkler, T. (2016)A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Springer. https://doi.org/doi:10.1007/978-981-4560-52-8_32-1Cite This SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der Schriftsprache Winkler, T. , Stahl, J. , Jahn, G. , & Herczeg, M. (2015)SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der SchriftspracheMensch und Computer 2015, Workshopband, 543-550. Cite This Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäteni-com : Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 13, 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2014-0020Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at School Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at SchoolProceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 EdMedia, 2527-2537. Cite This Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning SpacesInformatik Spektrum, Sonderheft: Interaction Beyond the Desktop, 37, 445-448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-014-0817-1Cite This The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning SpacesIDC ’13 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 348-351. https://doi.org/10.1145/2485760.2485829Cite This SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , & Scharf, F. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenCite This SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenWorkshopband Mensch & Computer 2013, 179-184. Cite This The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher EducationAUCEi 2013. https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3728.9765Cite This Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Ide , M. , & Winkler, T. (2012)Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Kopaed. Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2012), 3133-3140. Cite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesCite This InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes AACE. Cite This Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1515/transcript.9783839420058.305Download PublicationCite This Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von Tangicons Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von TangiconsMensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband: interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 135-140. Cite This Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative Game Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative GameIDC ’12 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 144-151. https://doi.org/10.1145/2307096.2307113Cite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationCite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3517-3524. Cite This YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education AACE. Cite This Tangicons - Programmieren im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Peters, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Tangicons - Programmieren im KindergartenWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011 - überMEDIEN ÜBERmorgen, 23-24. Cite This Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Ambient Learning Spaces Formatex Research Center. Cite This SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary Schools Scharf, F. , Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary SchoolsProceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2010, Arlington, Virginia, October 27-30, 2010, Session T4D-1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673353Cite This Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , & Ide , M. (2010)Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Klett-Kallmeyer. Cite This Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , Abraham , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia ObjectsWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2010: Interaktive Kulturen, 177-178. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes AACE. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (SITE), 3038-3045. Cite This Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesCite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemCite This Be-greifbare digitale Lernobjekte Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Kammler , M. , Feldner, B. , Schmitt, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Be-greifbare digitale LernobjekteWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2009, 353-356. Cite This Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationCite This We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile Phones Winkler, T. (2009)We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile PhonesCite This Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Winkler, T. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsCite This A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO Feldner, B. , Günther, S. , Schmitt, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2009 ; 15 - 17 July, 2009, Riga, Latvia ; proceedings, 29 - 31. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2009.35Cite This Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 1141-1148. Cite This Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert Ide, M. , & Winkler, T. (2009)Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert In Körperlichkeit in der Schule : aktuelle Körperdiskurse und ihre Empirie (pp. 141-180). Athena Verlag. Cite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3230-3234. Cite This Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsProceedings of SITE 2009, 2803-2806. Download PublicationCite This Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Winkler, T. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsCite This Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im Kontext Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Herczeg, M. , Lob, S. , Kotewicz, T. , Kosicki, N. , & Busch, A. (2008)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im KontextMensch & Computer 2008. Viel Mehr Interaktion, 267-276. Cite This Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 374-380. Cite This Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First Class Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First ClassProceedings of IDC 2008, 242-249. Cite This Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval Ages Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval AgesProceedings of SITE 2008, 3441-3449. Cite This Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for Learning Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for LearningProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 5484-5491. Cite This Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School Projects Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Glasemann, M. , Werner , S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School ProjectsProceedings of ICEC CELDA 2007, 65-72. Cite This Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity" Winkler, T. (2007)Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity"MMI-Interaktiv, 13, 103-107. Cite This KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible Media Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible MediaINFORMATIK 2007, Informatik trifft Logistik, 535-539. Cite This Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video InstallationProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2007, 4044-4054. Cite This Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationProceedings of the SITE 2007, 2155-2162. Cite This Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationCite This Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. , Goldmann , A. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomProceedings of SITE 2006, 742-749. Cite This KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert GMK. Cite This Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-Raum Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Goldmann , A. (2006)Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-RaumBDK-Mitteilungen, 3, 26-29. Cite This Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive Geschichte Goldmann, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive GeschichteLehrer-Online. Cite This Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomCite This KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)KiMM - Kids in Media and MotionForum der Unesco-Projekt-Schulen, 3, 97-110. Cite This Pervasive Computing in der Schule Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in der SchuleMensch & Computer 2005 Kunst und Wissenschaft - Grenzüberschreitung der interaktiven ART, 253-255. Cite This Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. , Arend, S. , Hadley, L. , Melzer, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayProceedings of IDC 2005. Cite This Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayCite This Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in Schools Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in SchoolsCognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 123-130. Cite This Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , Schneider-Prengel, V. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Kids in Media and MotionGrundschule. Cite This Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning EnvironmentsSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2005), 742-749. Cite This Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school? Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school?International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education an Training, ITHET 2004, 174-178. Cite This Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic Thinking Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , Reimann , D. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic ThinkingSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education, SITE 2004, 3794-3801. Cite This Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Höpel, I. , Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung. Cite This Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2004)Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Cite This Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Athena Verlag. Cite This Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environmentsi-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 1, 29-33. Cite This System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entsteht Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entstehtComputer + Unterricht, 3, 34-37. Download PublicationCite This Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer Jugendmedienbildung Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2003)Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer JugendmedienbildungCORAX Magazin für Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, 12, 23-26. Download PublicationCite This Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at School Winkler, T. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at SchoolSzwillus, G & Ziegler, Jürgen (Eds.) Mensch & Computer 2003. S. 307-316. Download PublicationCite This Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at School Winkler, T. , Reimann , D. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at SchoolMensch & Computer 2003, 307-316. Cite This Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education Processes Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education ProcessesED-Media 2003, 915-921. Cite This Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning Spaces Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning SpacesIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2003, 384-385. Cite This Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary Approach Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary ApproachInSea on Sea-Conference. Cite This Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality Continuum Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality ContinuumMensch und Computer 2002: Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu kooperativen Arbets- und Lernwelten, 115-124. Cite This Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School ChildrenED-MEDIA 2002, 1034-1039. Cite This
Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces Herczeg, M. , Ohlei, A. , Schumacher, T. , & Winkler, T. (2021)Ambient Learning Spaces: Systemic Learning in Physical-Digital Interactive Spaces In Algorithmic and Aesthetic Literacy: Emerging Transdisciplinary Explorations for the Digital Age (pp. 97-115). Verl. Barbara Budrich. https://doi.org/10.3224/84742428.06Download PublicationCite This
Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary Schools Winkler, T. , Ohlei, A. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)Creating Augmented Realities in the Context of Lessons in Secondary SchoolsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 230-247. Download PublicationCite This
SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing Skills Winkler, T. , Akyildiz, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2019)SpelLit: A Collaborative Body- and Space-Related Interactive Learning Game for School Children to acquire Reading and Writing SkillsEdMedia + Innovative Learning, 63-71. Download PublicationCite This
Ambient Learning Spaces for School Education Herczeg, M. , Winkler, T. , & Ohlei, A. (2019)Ambient Learning Spaces for School EducationProceedings of ICERI2019 Conference, 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain, 5116-5125. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2019.1240Download PublicationCite This
Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Höffler, S. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Reconstruction and Web-based Editing of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesInternational Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 11, 94-108. Cite This
InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum Context Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: Acceptance and Usability of Augmented Reality for Mobiles in Real Museum ContextMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 339-344. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0460Download PublicationCite This
InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their Exhibitions Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)InfoGrid: An Approach for Curators to Digitally Enrich their ExhibitionsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 345-352. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws07-0462Download PublicationCite This
An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning Spaces Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)An Approach to Auto-Enhance Semantic 3D Media for Ambient Learning SpacesIARIA AMBIENT 2018, 27-32. Cite This
Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Narrative Semantic Media for Contextual Individualization of Ambient Learning Spaces CENTRIC 2018, 26-31. Cite This
Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass. Ohlei, A. , Winkler, T. , Wessel, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Evaluation of Direct Manipulation Methods in Augmented Reality Environments using Google Glass.ISMAR, 266-269. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2018.00083Cite This
Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-Lernspiels Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2018)Modell für eine Lehrerevaluation zum Einsatz eines körper- und raum-bezogenen Miteinander-LernspielsMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 209-217. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0424Cite This
11. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion Kammer, D. , Keck, M. , Rassmy, B. , Fröhlich, T. , & Winkler, T. (2018)11. Workshop Be-greifbare InteraktionMensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 02.-05. September 2018, Dresden, 151-156. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0174Cite This
InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen Ohlei, A. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Winkler, T. , Wittmer, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InfoGrid4Museum: Eine mediale Vermittlungsstrategie mittels Augmented Reality für Museen47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Download PublicationCite This
ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-Lernspiele Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)ALS-GameCreator für be-greifbare Miteinander-LernspieleMensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 1.-13. September 2017, Regensburg, 337-343. Cite This
NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces Best Paper Award Bouck-Standen, D. , Ohlei, A. , Daibert, V. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning SpacesAMBIENT 2017 - The Seventh International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, 6-11. Cite This
InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens Winkler, T. , Bouck-Standen, D. , Ide , M. , Ohlei, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2017)InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 1317–1326. Cite This
ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art Teaching Ide, M. , Winkler, T. , & Bouck-Standen, D. (2017)ActeMotion as a Content-Oriented Learning Application in Secondary School: Media Control through Gesture Recognition as a Performative Process in Art TeachingEdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. Washington, DC., 1327-1335. Cite This
ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for Tangibles Bouck-Standen, D. , Schwandt , M. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2016)ELBlocks - An Interactive Semantic Learning Platform for TangiblesMensch und Computer 2016 - Workshopband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-ws10-0002Cite This
A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Berta, R. , Bellotti, F. , van der Spek, E. , & Winkler, T. (2016)A Tangible Serious Game Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Springer. https://doi.org/doi:10.1007/978-981-4560-52-8_32-1Cite This
SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der Schriftsprache Winkler, T. , Stahl, J. , Jahn, G. , & Herczeg, M. (2015)SpelLit 3.0 - Ein mobiles Miteinander-Lernspiel zum Erwerb der SchriftspracheMensch und Computer 2015, Workshopband, 543-550. Cite This
Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Tangicons: Ein be-greifbares Lernspiel mit kognitiven, motorischen und sozialen Aktivitäteni-com : Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 13, 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2014-0020Cite This
InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at School Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digitally Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes at SchoolProceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 EdMedia, 2527-2537. Cite This
Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2014)Ambiente Lernräume - Ambient Learning SpacesInformatik Spektrum, Sonderheft: Interaction Beyond the Desktop, 37, 445-448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-014-0817-1Cite This
The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Mobile Learning Exploration System (MoLES) in Semantically Modeled Ambient Learning SpacesIDC ’13 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 348-351. https://doi.org/10.1145/2485760.2485829Cite This
SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , & Scharf, F. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenCite This
SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)SpelLit - Tangible Cross-Device-Interaction beim Erlernen von Lesen und SchreibenWorkshopband Mensch & Computer 2013, 179-184. Cite This
The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2013)The Use of Hypervideo in Teacher EducationAUCEi 2013. https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3728.9765Cite This
Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Ide , M. , & Winkler, T. (2012)Hypervideo - Neue ästhetische Projekte in Web 2.0 Kopaed. Cite This
InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2012), 3133-3140. Cite This
InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning ProcessesCite This
InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)InteractiveSchoolWall: A Digital Enriched Learning Environment for Systemic-Constructive Informal Learning Processes AACE. Cite This
Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1515/transcript.9783839420058.305Download PublicationCite This
Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von Tangicons Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Programmieren im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe von TangiconsMensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband: interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 135-140. Cite This
Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative Game Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , Hahn, C. , Wolters, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2012)Tangicons 3.0: An Educational Non-Competitive Collaborative GameIDC ’12 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 144-151. https://doi.org/10.1145/2307096.2307113Cite This
YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationCite This
YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web based Hypervideos in Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3517-3524. Cite This
YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)YouTube Annotations: Reflecting Interactive, Web Based Hypervideos in Teacher Education AACE. Cite This
Tangicons - Programmieren im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Peters, J. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Tangicons - Programmieren im KindergartenWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011 - überMEDIEN ÜBERmorgen, 23-24. Cite This
Ambient Learning Spaces Winkler, T. , Scharf, F. , Hahn, C. , & Herczeg, M. (2011)Ambient Learning Spaces Formatex Research Center. Cite This
SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary Schools Scharf, F. , Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)SpelLit: Development of a Multi-Touch Application to Foster Literacy Skills at Elementary SchoolsProceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2010, Arlington, Virginia, October 27-30, 2010, Session T4D-1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673353Cite This
Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Winkler, T. , & Ide , M. (2010)Ästhetisch-informatische Medien im Kindergarten Klett-Kallmeyer. Cite This
Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects Winkler, T. , Cassens, J. , Abraham , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Die Interactive School Wall – eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia ObjectsWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2010: Interaktive Kulturen, 177-178. Cite This
Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes AACE. Cite This
Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. , Ide, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (SITE), 3038-3045. Cite This
Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching Processes Winkler, T. (2010)Teaching Teachers to Teach with Body and Space related Technologies: Programmable Clothing in Performative Teaching ProcessesCite This
Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemCite This
Be-greifbare digitale Lernobjekte Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Kammler , M. , Feldner, B. , Schmitt, F. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Be-greifbare digitale LernobjekteWorkshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2009, 353-356. Cite This
Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationCite This
We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile Phones Winkler, T. (2009)We Write: ’On-the-Fly’ Interactive Writing on Electronic Textiles with Mobile PhonesCite This
Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Winkler, T. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsCite This
A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO Feldner, B. , Günther, S. , Schmitt, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)A Dolphin Is a Dolphin Is a Dolphin? Multimedia Enriched Learning Objects in NEMO9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2009 ; 15 - 17 July, 2009, Riga, Latvia ; proceedings, 29 - 31. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2009.35Cite This
Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher Education Winkler, T. , Ide , M. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Connecting Second Life and Real Life: Integrating Mixed-Reality-Technology into Teacher EducationProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 1141-1148. Cite This
Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert Ide, M. , & Winkler, T. (2009)Lernen mit körper- und raumbezogenen digitalen Medien - Wie Kommunizieren und Interagieren in sog. „gemischten Realitäten“ Lernen verändert In Körperlichkeit in der Schule : aktuelle Körperdiskurse und ihre Empirie (pp. 141-180). Athena Verlag. Cite This
Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration SystemProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), 3230-3234. Cite This
Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online Forums Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2009)Web Communities for Teachers: How Teachers Relate to Digital Interactive Media by Discussing It in Online ForumsProceedings of SITE 2009, 2803-2806. Download PublicationCite This
Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Winkler, T. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsCite This
Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im Kontext Winkler, T. , Günther, S. , Herczeg, M. , Lob, S. , Kotewicz, T. , Kosicki, N. , & Busch, A. (2008)Moles: Mobile Learning Exploration System für erlebnisorientiertes Handeln und Lernen im KontextMensch & Computer 2008. Viel Mehr Interaktion, 267-276. Cite This
Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World Contexts Günther, S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Learning with Moles: A Case Study for Enriching Cognitive Learning by Collaborative Learning in Real World ContextsProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 374-380. Cite This
Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First Class Scharf, F. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Tangicons: Algorithmic Reasoning in a Collaborative Game for Children in Kindergarten and First ClassProceedings of IDC 2008, 242-249. Cite This
Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval Ages Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Mobile Co-operative Game-based Learning with Moles: Time Travelers in Medieval AgesProceedings of SITE 2008, 3441-3449. Cite This
Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for Learning Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2008)Learning from Media Arts: Second Life as Augmented Reality Interface for LearningProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, 5484-5491. Cite This
Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School Projects Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Glasemann, M. , Werner , S. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Using Iterative Design and Development for Mobile Learning Systems in School ProjectsProceedings of ICEC CELDA 2007, 65-72. Cite This
Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity" Winkler, T. (2007)Die Gesetze der Einfachheit. Eine Buchbesprechung von John Maedas "Laws of Simplicity"MMI-Interaktiv, 13, 103-107. Cite This
KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible Media Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)KiMM - Lernen und Verstehen mit Tangible MediaINFORMATIK 2007, Informatik trifft Logistik, 535-539. Cite This
Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Learning Biology through the Creative Use of Artistic Digital Media: Constructing Phyconic Control for a Video InstallationProceedings of ED-MEDIA 2007, 4044-4054. Cite This
Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. , Ide-Schöning, M. , & Herczeg, M. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the Use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationProceedings of the SITE 2007, 2155-2162. Cite This
Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media Installation Winkler, T. (2007)Sustainable Teaching through the use of Media Art Technology - Creating Biological Knowledge by Designing a Multimodal Interactive Tangible Media InstallationCite This
Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. , Goldmann , A. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomProceedings of SITE 2006, 742-749. Cite This
KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion: Medienpädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert GMK. Cite This
Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-Raum Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Goldmann , A. (2006)Kinder gestalten einen interaktiven, nichtlinearen Mixed-Reality-Geschichten-RaumBDK-Mitteilungen, 3, 26-29. Cite This
Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive Geschichte Goldmann, A. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2006)Takelwerk: eine nicht lineare und interaktive GeschichteLehrer-Online. Cite This
Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-Room Winkler, T. (2006)Why and what children learn while creating an interactive, non linear Mixed-Reality-Storytelling-RoomCite This
KiMM - Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)KiMM - Kids in Media and MotionForum der Unesco-Projekt-Schulen, 3, 97-110. Cite This
Pervasive Computing in der Schule Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in der SchuleMensch & Computer 2005 Kunst und Wissenschaft - Grenzüberschreitung der interaktiven ART, 253-255. Cite This
Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. , Arend, S. , Hadley, L. , Melzer, A. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayProceedings of IDC 2005. Cite This
Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow Play Winkler, T. (2005)Bubble Caster - A Mixed Reality Children Application for Interactive Shadow PlayCite This
Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in Schools Melzer, A. , Hadley, L. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Developing, Implementing, and Testing Mixed Reality and High Interaction Media Applications in SchoolsCognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 123-130. Cite This
Kids in Media and Motion Winkler, T. , Schneider-Prengel, V. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Kids in Media and MotionGrundschule. Cite This
Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2005)Pervasive Computing in Schools - Embedding Information Technology into the Ambient Complexities of Physical Group-Learning EnvironmentsSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2005), 742-749. Cite This
Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school? Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Avatars - can they help developing personality among students in school?International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education an Training, ITHET 2004, 174-178. Cite This
Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic Thinking Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , Reimann , D. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Learning in our increasing world by connecting it to bodily Experience, dealing with Identity and systemic ThinkingSociety for Information Technology & Teacher Education, SITE 2004, 3794-3801. Cite This
Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Höpel, I. , Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Mixed Reality - Medien eröffnen neue Räume Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung. Cite This
Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2004)Theorie und Praxis integrierter ästhetischer und informatischer Aus- und Fortbildung (ArtDeCom) Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Cite This
Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2004)Digitale Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Informatik im Kontext künstlerischer Konzepte und erweiterter Kunst - und Mediendidaktischer Vermittlungsfelder Athena Verlag. Cite This
Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environments Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)Gestalten von sinnesübergreifenden Mixed-Reality-Lernräumen im Schulunterricht / Design of multi-sensory Mixed-Reality Learning Environmentsi-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 1, 29-33. Cite This
System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entsteht Winkler, T. , & Herczeg, M. (2004)System Wusel - Ein interaktives Environment entstehtComputer + Unterricht, 3, 34-37. Download PublicationCite This
Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer Jugendmedienbildung Reimann, D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel, I. (2003)Mixed-Reality-Projekte im Arbeitsfeld außerschulischer JugendmedienbildungCORAX Magazin für Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, 12, 23-26. Download PublicationCite This
Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at School Winkler, T. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Tran disciplinary Approach towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modeling at SchoolSzwillus, G & Ziegler, Jürgen (Eds.) Mensch & Computer 2003. S. 307-316. Download PublicationCite This
Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at School Winkler, T. , Reimann , D. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Creating Digitally Augmented Multi-Sensatory Learning Spaces - A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Aesthetical Creation an Computational Modelling at SchoolMensch & Computer 2003, 307-316. Cite This
Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education Processes Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Exploring the Computer as a Shapeable Medium by Designing Artefacts for Mixed Reality Environments in Interdisciplinary Education ProcessesED-Media 2003, 915-921. Cite This
Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning Spaces Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Gaining Computational Literacy by Creating Hybrid Aesthetic Learning SpacesIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2003, 384-385. Cite This
Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary Approach Reimann , D. , Winkler, T. , Herczeg, M. , & Höpel , I. (2003)Investigating the Computer as a Medium in Creative Processes- an interdisciplinary ApproachInSea on Sea-Conference. Cite This
Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality Continuum Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Collaborative and Constructive Learning of Elementary School Children in Experimental Learning Spaces along the Virtuality ContinuumMensch und Computer 2002: Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu kooperativen Arbets- und Lernwelten, 115-124. Cite This
Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children Winkler, T. , Kritzenberger, H. , & Herczeg, M. (2002)Mixed Reality Environments as Collaborative and Constructive Learning Spaces for Elementary School ChildrenED-MEDIA 2002, 1034-1039. Cite This
MyteryGame - Die Implementierung eines digitalen editierbaren Miteinander-Lernspiels auf Basis der Mytery-Methode (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Implementierung von MysteryGame – ein digitales editierbares Miteinander-Lernspiel auf Basis der Mystery-Methode (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Gestaltung der Grafischen Benutzungsschnittstelle für SemCor 2.0 (Bachelor Thesis, 2019) Evaluation von Interaktionsmöglichkeiten in einer Augmented Reality Umgebung bei der Verwendung von Google Glass (Master Thesis, 2016) Audifizierung eines Multitouch-Tables (Bachelor Thesis, 2010) Analyse der Mentalen Rotation bei stereoskopischer 3D-Projektion im Vergleich zur 2D-Projektion beim Einsatz im Lehr-/Lernkontext (Bachelor Thesis, 2010)