
Bedürfnisse vs. Bedarfe: Bedürfnisorientierung als Konzept für eine erfolgreiche Integration des On-Demand- Verkehrs in den ÖPNV Lübecks

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Bedürfnisse vs. Bedarfe: Bedürfnisorientierung als Konzept für eine erfolgreiche Integration des On-Demand- Verkehrs in den ÖPNV Lübecks
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Szenarien zur Belastung der Bevölkerung und des Gesundheitswesens durch SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen im Winter 2023/24 und Einschätzungen zur Belastung durch andere Atemwegsinfektionen

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Szenarien zur Belastung der Bevölkerung und des Gesundheitswesens durch SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen im Winter 2023/24 und Einschätzungen zur Belastung durch andere Atemwegsinfektionen

Ecosimlab - A Low-Cost Driving Simulator Environment for Examining Human Factors in Vehicle Energy Efficiency

Ecosimlab - A Low-Cost Driving Simulator Environment for Examining Human Factors in Vehicle Energy Efficiency
AutomotiveUI '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, , Ingolstadt (Germany), 18.-21.09.2023, 66-70.

Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany

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Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany
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Managing Human Energy with Music? An Explorative Study of Users’ Energy-Related Listening Behaviours

Managing Human Energy with Music? An Explorative Study of Users’ Energy-Related Listening Behaviours
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Predicting technology usage by health information need of older adults: Implications for eHealth technology

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Predicting technology usage by health information need of older adults: Implications for eHealth technology
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Mobile Tablet-basierte Datenerhebungen mit Feedbacksystem auf dem Weg in die Routineversorgung einer HNO-Klinik

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Mobile Tablet-basierte Datenerhebungen mit Feedbacksystem auf dem Weg in die Routineversorgung einer HNO-Klinik
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Die Zukunft sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

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Die Zukunft sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
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Electric Vehicles with Range Extenders: Evaluating the Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions

Stark, J. ,  Weiß, C. ,  Trigui, R. ,   Franke, T. ,  Baumann, M. ,  Jochem, P. ,  Brethauer, L. ,  Chlond, B. ,  Günther, M. ,  Klementschitz, R. ,  Link, C. ,  &  Mallig, N. (2018)
Electric Vehicles with Range Extenders: Evaluating the Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions
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Finding User Preferences Designing the Innovative Interaction Device "BIRDY" for Intensive Care Patients

Kopetz, J. ,  Burgsmüller, S. ,  Vandereike, A. ,   Sengpiel, M. ,   Wessel, D. ,  &   Jochems, N. (2018)
Finding User Preferences Designing the Innovative Interaction Device "BIRDY" for Intensive Care Patients
IEA 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Vol. V: Human Simulation and Virtual Environments, Work With Computing Systems (WWCS), Process Control, 698-707.

A Toolkit for Studying Attention and Reaction Times to Smartglass Messages in Conditions of Different Perceptual Load

A Toolkit for Studying Attention and Reaction Times to Smartglass Messages in Conditions of Different Perceptual Load
IEA 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Vol. V: Human Simulation and Virtual Environments, Work With Computing Systems (WWCS), Process Control, 595-604.

User Diversity in the Motivation for Wearable Activity Tracking: A Predictor for Usage Intensity?

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User Diversity in the Motivation for Wearable Activity Tracking: A Predictor for Usage Intensity?
IEA 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Vol. V: Human Simulation and Virtual Environments, Work With Computing Systems (WWCS), Process Control, 882, 431-440.

Eco-Driving from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics: Implications for Supporting User-Energy Interaction

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Eco-Driving from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics: Implications for Supporting User-Energy Interaction
IEA 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Vol. VIII: Ergonomics and Human Factors in Manufactoring, Agriculture, Building and Construction, Sustainable Development and Mining, 887-895.

The Effect of Displaying Kinetic Energy on Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drivers’ Evaluation of Regenerative Braking

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The Effect of Displaying Kinetic Energy on Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drivers’ Evaluation of Regenerative Braking
IEA 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Vol. VIII: Ergonomics and Human Factors in Manufactoring, Agriculture, Building and Construction, Sustainable Development and Mining, 727-736.

Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Gebrauchstauglichkeit interaktiver Datenbrillen in der prä- und innerklinischen Versorgung

Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Gebrauchstauglichkeit interaktiver Datenbrillen in der prä- und innerklinischen Versorgung
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Analyse und Bewertung der muskulären Beanspruchung bei der Arbeit mit einem großflächigen Touchscreen

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Fitts’ Law in Bivariate Pointing on Large Touch Screens: Age-Differentiated Analysis of Motion Angle Effects on Movement Times and Error Rates

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Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Software Ergo Norm: Ein Verfahren zur Konformitätsprüfung von Software auf der Grundlage von DIN EN ISO 9241 Teile 10 und 11

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