Automation, Assistance & Cooperation

Automation, Assistance & Cooperation
The distribution of tasks and roles between humans and machines is a research topic with a long tradition. While static assignments were initially the focus of research and development, the focus is increasingly on dynamic distribution mechanisms and fluid transitions between different forms of automation. The goal is to enable people to delegate tasks to machine components depending on the situation, while maintaining an overview of the situation. Even and especially in highly automated processes, questions of responsibility and trust in technology by human actors remain. Therefore, research is being conducted at IMIS on responsible cooperation between humans and machines.
Projects with this focus
KISTRA - Einsatz von KI zur Früherkennung von Straftaten
KISTRA - Einsatz von KI zur Früherkennung von Straftaten
Mensch-KI-Interaktion und Entscheidungsautonomie (assoziierte Partnerschaft)
Standardkonforme Integration quelloffener Big Data-Lösungen in existierende Netzleitsysteme