What have they been up to in Lübeck recently?
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: Proceedings of HIER - 8. Hildesheimer Evaluierungs- und Retrievalworkshop
Jahr: 2013
Seiten: 61-65
Verlag (Publisher): University of Hildesheim
This talk will give an overview over three related research prototypes for ambient interactive systems. We start by introducing NEMO, the Network Environment for Multimedia Objects. NEMO is a smart media environment for semantically rich, personalised, and device-specific access to and interaction with multimedia objects. Next, a shared electronic whiteboard called ShareBoard is decribed. The goal of ShareBoard is to deliver a natural user interface to working with electronic whiteboards. Integrated within ShareBoard are input devices to recognise the movement of users in the surrounding space and for sensing 3D-gesture. ShareBoard can make use of media objects in NEMO. Last, we introduce the Modular Awareness Construction Kit. MACK is a framework for developing context aware, ambient intelligent systems that blend seamlessly with the users’ everyday route, enabling unobtrusive in-situ interaction and facilitating enhanced cooperation and communication. In the future, MACK is to deliver contextual information to both NEMO and ShareBoard.
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