LADI - Location-Aware Cross-Device Integration
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: Smart University Workshop, CONTEXT 2013
Jahr: 2013
Seiten: 25-36
In this contribution, we describe a system for Location-Aware CrossDevice Integration (LADI). LADI enhances interoperability between mobile and stationary computers by enabling the user to control the playback of multimedia objects on a desktop or presentation computer through an Android phone. The multimedia objects themselves can be stored in the Network Environment for Multimedia Objects (NEMO), on other cloud-based content delivery systems, or locally on a PC. In contrast to most existing network-centric solutions for playback control, LADI takes a location-centric view. It is possible to access presentation computers independent of whether they are available on the same IP-subnet. The different devices communicate via XMPP. Access to a presentation system can be gained through scanning attached QR-codes or through automatic localization based on WLAN fingerprints. In addition, the system facilitates the integration of additional context aware services in general and location aware services in particular. This paper describes the concept behind LADI and provides some details on its prototypical implementation.
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