Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nicole Jochems Dipl.-Inform. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nicole Jochems Dipl.-Inform. Institutssprecherin, Leiterin des Studiengangs Medieninformatik, Professorin für Medieninformatik nicole.jochems [at] uni-luebeck.de
Professur für Mensch-Computer-Systeme Professur für Mensch-Computer-Systeme “ Mensch-Computer-Interaktion ist das Thema dieses Jahrhunderts. Alle Menschen sind inzwischen davon abhängig, erfolgreich mit Computern interagieren zu können. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Herczeg Dipl.- Inform. mehr lesen
Design and Evaluation of a Visual Query Interface for Maritime Route Planning Schwarz, B. , von Elbwart, S. , Zoubir, M. , Heidinger, J. , Franke, T. , & Jetter, H. (2024)Design and Evaluation of a Visual Query Interface for Maritime Route PlanningACM NordiCHI Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2024). https://doi.org/10.1145/3677045.3685420Publikation herunterladenZitieren
Coupled infectious disease and behavior dynamics. A review of model assumptions Reitenbach, A. , Sartori, F. , Banisch, S. , Golovin, A. , Calero Valdez, A. , Kretzschmar, M. , Priesemann, V. , & Maes, M. (2024)Coupled infectious disease and behavior dynamics. A review of model assumptionsReports on Progress in Physics, 88016601. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6633/ad90efZitieren
Quantifying Information Dissemination: Structured Review on Methods and Variables for Sharing Behavior on Social Network Sites Sieger, M. , Calero Valdez, A. , & Schrills, T. (2024)Quantifying Information Dissemination: Structured Review on Methods and Variables for Sharing Behavior on Social Network SitesHuman Dynamics, Product Evaluation and Quality, 131. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1004858Zitieren
Learned Futility: How Social Learning Can Lead to the Diffusion of Ineffective Strategies Kurchyna, V. , Kojan, L. , Schneider, J. , Wurpts, B. , Golovin, A. , Calero Valdez, A. , Berndt, J. , & Timm, I. (2024)Learned Futility: How Social Learning Can Lead to the Diffusion of Ineffective StrategiesHuman-Computer Interaction International 2024, 14705. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61312-8_9Zitieren
Effects of user experience in automated information processing on perceived usefulness of digital contact-tracing apps: cross-sectional survey study Schrills, T. , Kojan, L. , Gruner, M. , Calero Valdez, A. , & Franke, T. (2024)Effects of user experience in automated information processing on perceived usefulness of digital contact-tracing apps: cross-sectional survey studyJMIR Human Factors. https://doi.org/10.2196/53940Zitieren
Was KI der öffentlichen Verwaltung bringt Heine, M. , Dhungel, A. , & Beute, E. (2023)Was KI der öffentlichen Verwaltung bringtInnovative Verwaltung. https://doi.org/10.1007/s35114-023-1607-xZitieren
How Gender is Understood and Analyzed in Current E-Government Research – A Scoping Literature Review Dhungel, A. (2022)How Gender is Understood and Analyzed in Current E-Government Research – A Scoping Literature ReviewProceedings of the INFORMATIK 2022. https://doi.org/10.18420/inf2022_111Zitieren