Augmented Energy for Locomotion: How Do Users Perceive Energy Dynamics in Prototypical Mobility Scenarios?
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Jahr: 2020
Band / Volume: 12186
Seiten: 150-160
Veröffentlichungsort: Cham
Verlag (Publisher): Springer
ISBN: 978-3-030-49044-7
Locomotion can be considered to represent a core need in human life and is—in its most natural form—achieved by using available muscular human energy to obtain relocation in space over time. In order to amplify the human capabilities of locomotion (e.g. expand the mobility space and pace) humans have developed mobility tools (i.e. vehicles) that augment the available human energy for motion. Yet, effectively controlling such mobility tools can increase the demands on cognitive human energy resources. The objective of the present research was to examine how people perceive and understand human vs. external energy consumptions in dynamic locomotion situations and how to strike the right path towards optimal energy-related human-machine symbioses. An online survey (N = 108) assessed which energy-related dynamics in locomotion situations are typically perceived by users in exemplary prototypical mobility scenarios and key variables to characterize user diversity in user interaction within such situations were assessed. Results are discussed from the perspective of potential integrated energy feedback systems for locomotion, with a focus on absent sensory information to understand and trace energy dynamics. This study might serve as a first basis for further research that aims at developing tools to optimally integrated human energy and external energy.